Moreton Island Protection Committee (MIPC) is an incorporated association established in 1978 with the aim of preserving the vegetation, fauna and natural features of Mulgumpin (Moreton Island).
We’re a passionate group of volunteers committed to ongoing conservation and research projects, in collaboration with individuals and organisations who share our values.
We’ve campaigned long and hard to support the preservation of the island as a national park by:
- opposing sand mining on the island, fish cage farming in the Bay, and actioning cleanup after the oil spill in 2009
- undertaking surveys to increase knowledge of local flora and fauna, including invasive plants and feral animals
- contributing many thousands of volunteer hours to revegetate degraded areas of the Cape, control weeds and remove rubbish
- providing input to management from a nature conservation perspective
- raising public awareness of issues related to the protection of the island.
Much of our work has been in collaboration with
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) and
Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC). Our activities and involvement with Mulgumpin are featured in our long standing regular